Daniel's Story
Well, as far back as I can remember (and that's quite a bit) WE have spent most of our summer vacations there. Often staying for a month at the house clermont harbor, hanging out with all my cousins an aunts and uncles. MY first memory from there is I used to play with the toys in the drawer that my older cousins had left there in the bed room, and go walk out into the ocean for a quarter mile.
And who could forget the crab netting, and afterwards the crab gustation competition... news papers on the table and a pile of crab a foot tall, waiting to be ate.
And there is nothing more fun than walking down to the beach with pointy sticks, and stabbing fish in the dark. :P
I was so excited, my fist flounder I shoved the spear all the way through it, and the wood was burried in the sand.
I'll really miss the sand that they had there. The silty dredge sand, with just enough clay to hold it together when building drip castles. YOu can see in the satalite photo, the sand is GONE. I've been all over the world, and it's rare to find sand that perfect for building drip castles. I don't think I've ever found sand that good.
I don't know if they will import new sand, or if they do, how long it will take to build it back up. Looks like the next family vacation/reunion, we're gona be sleeping in tents. (that was supposed to be joke)
Remember the gecko that lived in the house, eating roaches?
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